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What is testosterone therapy?

Testosterone therapy, also known as TRT (testosterone replacement therapy), is a treatment that helps raise low testosterone levels in men back to normal. It is prescribed when the body cannot produce enough testosterone on its own.

Some key points about testosterone therapy:

  • It is available in different forms - injections, gels, patches, and pellets implanted under the skin. Injections tend to be one of the most effective delivery methods.
  • It can help relieve symptoms like low sex drive, erectile dysfunction, decreased energy, and mood issues that are associated with low T.
  • It does not address infertility or swollen breast tissue in men. Other treatments may be needed for these specific issues.
  • It is not recommended for men with prostate or breast cancer, severe urinary symptoms, or heart issues. Testosterone could potentially worsen these conditions.

Why would a doctor prescribe testosterone therapy?

If blood tests confirm low testosterone levels below 300 ng/dL (nanograms per deciliter), TRT may be recommended to help get T levels back up to normal. Some reasons for low T include:

  • Aging - Testosterone production peaks in the late teens/early 20s then steadily declines, about 1% per year after age 30.
  • Injury or infection of the testicles.
  • Chemotherapy or radiation treatment for cancer.
  • Medications, steroids, opiates, etc.
  • Obesity

What are the benefits of testosterone replacement therapy?

Benefits can include improved energy, mood, mental clarity, muscle mass and strength. It can also increase bone density, reduce body fat, and restore sex drive and erectile function.

Many men report feeling "like their old selves again" after starting testosterone treatment. It can quite literally help turn back the hands of time.

What are the risks or side effects?

Potential side effects include acne or oily skin, hair loss, breast or prostate enlargement. Sleep apnea risk may increase. Testosterone therapy can affect sperm count and fertility.

The FDA advises that there is a possible increased risk of heart attacks, strokes, and death associated with testosterone use. However, these risks appear mainly relevant to elderly, frail men with pre-existing heart conditions.

Should you consider trying testosterone replacement therapy? Talk to your doctor if you have any symptoms of low T. They can check your blood levels and help determine if TRT is appropriate for your situation. Proper testosterone therapy, under medical supervision, can provide great benefits for many men with low testosterone.

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